Sunday, April 30, 2017

Is This the End or Only the Beginning?


As I reflect over this past year and a half, it is hard to believe my graduation is only 5 days away.  Throughout this journey, I have found friends, mentors, and myself along the way. 

Oftentimes we find ourselves complacent. We are stuck going round and round in a cycle that we didn't even know existed.  And then, God swings open the door and says it is your time to exit the ride.  

I have found that God has been ever present along each turn in this journey I call life. Always opening the door at just the right time to place me on my next ride.  Whether it be a new job, a new city, a new home, or a new degree; God has always been there to tell me it is OK to dream and dreams do come true.  

I am excited to see what my next adventure holds.  As I settle more into my new job, I continue to grow and learn.  I am challenged every day and every day I learn something new. The support and preparation I have found throughout this degree has not only pushed me, but has also shown me that I have more.  I have more to learn, more to contribute, and more to accomplish. 

I am so excited to say I have done this! I worked hard! I made sacrifices! But in the end, it was all worth it.  It feels so good to be able to say, "I did it!"

Thank you to all those along the way that made this dream a possibility.  Thank you to my husband for his Saturday boys day outs and all the help around the house.  Thank you to my son for being so proud of Mommy and being so understanding when Mommy was busy working on her computer. Thank you to my fur baby for keeping me company as I wrote each and every paper. Thank you to my Mother-in-law for helping take care of my son. Thank you to my Mom for always believing in me and always showing me how proud you are of me. Thank you to the rest of my family and friends for all your encouragment and kind words along the way.  Thank you to all my professors who made learning so fun!  Thank you to two professors in particular for seeing something special in me and encouraging me to go further and apply to the Doctoral program.  Without each of you, none of this would have been possible.  

So, it is with this final post I say one last time...

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